1. Value for Money

Our extended warranties are available at a fraction of the cost of common component breakdown repairs with an extended warranty typically available at well under $1 on a cost per operating hour basis.


Find out more about how our extended warranty provides coverage and service over and above alternative providers.


2. No Deductibles

There are no deductibles with our warranties which are so often a cause of irritation and disappointment for customers with other providers. But with us it’s all covered from the first $1.


Find out more about how our extended warranty provides coverage and service over and above alternative providers.


3. Adds Resale Value

Our warranties are transferable i.e. they stay with the machine if the customer chooses to sell during the warranty period. This feature adds resale value and makes it easier for the customer to sell their machine.


Find out more about how our extended warranty provides coverage and service over and above alternative providers.



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